1. Hailey, the offspring of the notorious Wicked Witch, embodies a rebellious spirit akin to her mother's. This year, she is set to enroll at the esteemed Heirloom High School, where she will delve into the study of magic. Established by the Snow Queen, this institution aims to offer exceptional education to all gifted children. As today marks Hailey's inaugural day at school, assistance is required to enhance her appearance, including her makeup, attire, and the adjustment of the wings adorning her hands. 2. The game features an array of striking dark makeup options, inviting players to unleash their creativity in adorning Hailey's eyes and lips. With a selection of fashionable, villainous outfits, players can ensure that she stands out as the most captivating queen within the school. Immerse yourself in this enchanting gaming experience and explore the fascinating world that awaits.